Our goal is to gather our Tribe; in doing so, we hope to bond on more than just Creative Entrepreneurship. We want to attract people who genuinely live a 5-D-centered life and who adopt the same values as we do.
We do not want to dictate rules to people who want to break them. Instead, we want to abide by the same code of conduct that we all agree is ecological and good for everyone involved.
Everything that we create and get involved in will revolve around these simple principles.
The Hub is a place for Creative Entrepreneurs to gather, network, share resources, and collaborate on various projects.
The Hub has 5 Levels. We will launch each level gradually.
We value philanthropic entrepreneurship, and so we give forward 10% of our proceeds towards a cause that we support.
If you would like to get involved in this process, please let us know. Future Giveaways and Grants will be announced on this page.
All the benefits of joining the Hub include but are not limited to:
Here are some joint projects you will get the opportunity to collaborate on*.
*There will ALWAYS be attorneys and legal agreements involved to legitimize the process.
Everyone who follows this process will get an invitation:
One or more of the:
Although you are not required to pay anything, we recommend a one-time donation of $5 to help us set up all the features and benefits of the FREE Hub sooner than later.
The official launch is relative to the number of people who show interest. It could happen in as little as a month from now or as long as 100 days.
Get on our mailing list now so that we launch sooner than later.
Here is a breakdown for all the Hub Platforms:
We will launch each level as we expand so that the first few members can gradually see the results in their business and personal lives.
*We will offer annual discounts